
When we traveled the Dakotas in 2018 one of the highlights of the trip for me was seeing the buffalo up close. Custer State Park has a herd of about 1300 to 1500. Not as large as Yosemite, but accessible to tourists. Here is a short film of the Buffalo round up that occurs there each year. Listening to the conversation of the commentators I am amazed at the coordination. When the cowboy conversation comes up I wanted the commentators to hush, which they eventually did.

Might not need to watch all of the video, but I found it interesting.

Recently PBS aired a special by Ken Burns on the American Buffalo. It was tremendous. I did not know the history of the military in trying to destroy the buffalo. They were hunted relentlessly and Americans in the eastern states wanted all sorts of things from the buffalo. The buffalo suffered and were butchered. The American Indians suffered tremendously. If you have not seen the special there is a link below. It is worth your time to watch.


After watching both episodes by Burns I wanted to see the buffalo in Kentucky. Were you aware there is a small herd in Kentucky? The park is only about one hour from our house!

See https://www.nps.gov/places/big-bone-lick-state-historic-site.htm

photo by r m dutina
photo by r m dutina

Frankly I was amazed watching one trying to snag catalpa seed pods from under the fence (10 seconds of fast tongue) and drinking from a hole that filled with water .

November 22 Verse

We were blessed to see this the day before Thanksgiving. I am still rejoicing!

Doe Among Us© Molly Lin Dutina

We entered the paved trail with a sure sense of adventure
Had never before walked this path
Not five feet into the woods
Not five feet from the pavement
Acutely aware doe watches us
Husband looking at his camera settings
I had to calmly say, “A deer, dear”
Touching his arm to get his full attention.

She started when he noticed her
She stood and slowly began to walk away
It was only then that we saw the fawn
Resting calmly a few feet behind her
How do they signal each other so silently?
Before long a small herd stood
Walked up the hillside
Vanished into the honeysuckle shrubbery

It wasn’t until Bob printed this that I saw the face of the fawn behind her! photo by r m dutina
photo by r m dutina

“And they walked up the hillside” so camouflaged had I not seen them go up I might have missed them totally! Deer are common in our area, but I do not tire of them (unless of course they are eating my garden plants!) I think one reason I love the white tailed deer is that deer are mentioned so often in Scripture.

The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
    he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
    he enables me to tread on the heights.

Habakkuk 3:19 NIV

Asleep in The Boat

The blog opens with a painting by Ludolf Backhyusen used by the Ignatias.NYC in a newsletter.

In 1999 The Printery House published an icon called Storm on the Sea of Galilee. I was so impressed, I bought myself an 8 x 10 copy. It hangs on my office wall.

You could order 25 card copies at https://www.printeryhouse.org/ProdPage.asp?prod=PCA504&tracker1=REL. Also larger reproductions at https://www.printeryhouse.org/ProdPage.asp?prod=A04

I was asked to write a devotional for our crochet and knitting group of Convent Associates. I chose this icon and the meditation below. The Matthew 8 story seemed to be surfacing in many places all at once , so it seems timely.

I have been re-reading The Cry of the Deer by David Adam, Meditations on the Hymn of St. Patrick. At the end of chapter entitled “Death is Not Fatal” Adam has Exercises. This one goes with the icon!

Meditate on Psalm 23 – “The Lord is my Shepherd.” Make an affirmation by reading very slowly, giving meaning to each word. The Lord is my Shepherd . . .

Then read Matthew 8:23-27

Pause		Be still and know that He is God and that He is present … peace … etc …
Picture	A calm lake, beauty, a lovely place.
	Allow a storm to hit it. 
	A violent storm. The waves are wild, the wind is fierce.
	Trees are bending, branches are breaking.
	It gets dark. Things get worse. 
	Things are really out of control. Chaos.
	Then . . .
	A still small voice.
	It pierces the storm and somehow triumphs over it.

	Peace be still. 
	And there was a great calm.
	Who would have believed it a minute ago?
	It was like the end of the world . . . everything
	doom and disaster and
	the still waters.

Ponder	This is not a picture of a lake. It is my life.
	Stormy, tempestuous, violent.
	Strange, unpredictable winds blow.
	Many a time we are in danger of sinking.
	So many storms are because we ‘go it alone.’
	We do not call upon Him. And Jesus sleeps.
	“O what peace we often forfeit,
	O what needless pain we bear,
	All because we do not carry
	Everything to God in prayer.”
	“Save us, Lord!” they said “We are about to die!”
	Wake Him.
	Call upon Him.
	Know that He is the Lord and Saviour.”
Promise	To wake His Presence in my life.
	Promise to call upon Him in my need: “To Thy Cross I look and live.”
	Affirm: “With Jesus in my vessel I can smile amid the storm.”

Prayer	“Lord Jesus, the sea is so large and our boat is so small.”
	“Lord, save us or we perish.

I arise today 
Through the strength of his death and burial.

I give absolutely all credit to David Adam for this meditation.

Suet Feeder

Our bluebirds seem to have left for other locations. When I was cleaning up the front flower bed recently I hung out a suet block in place of the dried mealworm feeder. The block was untouched for days and days.

This morning I noticed there were dents in a few of the edges. As I sit here writing a couple sparrows have come to feed on it. One was feeding and one was on the look out. So nice that the birds look out for one another! If only we each did that more in our circle of influence. Next time I looked up they were gone and a hawk was flying over. Truly, we do not feed the smaller birds as bait for the hawk!

The hawk lives nearby and we see it frequently.

The sparrows returned soon after the hawk flew over. There is one munching and watching me type now. I think he drops as much as he eats, but I have not looked to see if there are other birds below him that are being provided for. Do not want to scare him off!

He took off on his own. There are flecks of suet all over the ground. I suppose if other birds do not get them the vole or whatever it is that lives underground in my flower bed will come up for a fattening feast. I am fairly certain the vole cannot climb the iron post the suet feeder is hanging from. Guess even the vole deserves a feast now and then? Uncertain about that as it digs tunnels through my flower beds and under the plants, etc.

Oh phooey! I just asked the internet if voles can climb poles. Well, no surprise they have been studied climbing trees (which obviously have bark to cling to). But I had no idea until I read https://blogs.agu.org/thefield/2021/03/19/why-did-the-vole-climb-the-tree/

Click the link above if you want to learn more!

A northern red-backed vole climbing down a tree. UAF photo by Todd Paris.

Praise the Lord from the earth,
    you great sea creatures and all ocean depths

wild animals and all cattle,
    small creatures and flying birds

Psalm 148:7,10 NIV

Drought and Worms

When there has been a weeks long drought, little rain, followed by weeks long drought. Does that mean when it finally rains it is moving day for the worms? They were all over the drenched sidewalks when I walked Lucky this morning. Itty bitty short ones and longer adults.

Then when we crossed the street in front of our house in the road was the longest, largest night crawler I have ever seen! At least ten inches long!! I was soaking wet and could not get my iPhone out of my pocket, but really, this surpassed Two Men and a Truck! More like a freight train!

Gloomy gray day, but the retention pond is getting more water, the dog poop scooper was easier the rinse (in the down spout). Lucky and I are indoors and getting dry as I work in the office on the blog.

Grateful for the much needed rain! 🙂 Yes, I am tempted to run out there with the camera now and see if I can show you that GIANT night crawler!! Naw! the rain is still coming down.

Also grateful that I no longer need to put bait on hooks. One year our son fractured his arm and had to wear a plaster cast most of the summer. One of the ways to amuse him was to go fishing. His cast went down to his fingers, so me, Mom, got to bait the hook each time he drowned a worm. Oh yippee! It was a gooey summer for me! He has a son of his own now, and so far, no broken arms!

Matthew 5:45

Mahalo, A Word We Learned in Hawaii

  • Mahalo – Thank You – (even on the garbage can flaps)
  • Bird feeders full and busy with bird traffic
  • Cake to bake and pies to create
  • Sweet potatoes 25 cents a pound and bound to cost less after Thursday!!
  • Lucky responding well to Glucosamine Chondroitin, though she still limps
  • turkey!
  • then turkey sandwich spread will follow
  • cranberry sauce
  • lately more sunny days than gloomy
  • Our Lord and Savior
  • Advent begins
  • books of our faith, including prayer books and hymnals
  • online Christian music I can search and play
  • shopping online makes some this so much easier
  • Baby Francesca continues to improve
  • white bread, mayonnaise and left over turkey slices sandwich!
  • fragrant candles
  • those who read my blog and comment
  • those who read my blog and are encouraged but do not comment
  • Betty continues to improve
  • Margie making great strides in her recovery
  • Outdoor Christmas lights
  • the wonders on our walk at Ten Mile Creek park
  • The joy of taking Lucky for a ride
  • wind moving the pinwheels reminds me of the movement of the Holy Spirit
  • those willing to help the less fortunate
  • landscaper who sweeps up leaves off the lawn
  • my friend Lori who absolutely loves all things Christmas
  • banyan tree sending out new leaves on Maui
  • Bob selected cookies for us
  • Willing contributors to Empower Youth toy drive
  • Zoom study of Franciscan book, meeting 10 people there weekly
  • union Township crochet and knit group
  • Crochet and knit monthly meeting at Convent
  • Bi-weekly group with church folks
  • Our family
  • Grandchildren!
  • Mint Chapstick
  • good medical care without too much waiting
  • dental care
  • safe walking area
  • my spiritual director
  • But wait! There’s more!! As Kathy says “There is ALWAYS something to be grateful for!”

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

1 Thessalonians 5: 18 KJV

Empty Handed

We arrive on this planet empty handed and we will all soon leave empty handed. So then, how and in what spirit do we want to spend the time in between?

Nimo Patel

In my mother’s day the saying was “You can’t take it with you.” So Patel asks, how and in what spirit do we want to spend the time in between?

Some of us are certain, oh so very certain, we have the right answers about everything. Sadly years of life prove us wrong. Or is it really sad? I, for one, often have to be set straight by God regarding my opinions and what I thought I ‘KNEW’ beyond a shadow of a doubt. As I wrote previously, ‘I used to have all the answers. Now I am not even certain what the questions are!”

I implore you to examine yourself and your attitudes.

 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.

Ephesians 5:8-13

“Find out what pleases the Lord,” that is how I want to live the remainder of my days. We can ask Him what pleases Him. We can ask for the strength and wisdom to follow His guidance. We can bring pleasure to the Lord. “Everything that is illuminated becomes a light,” a light that someone else might follow to know Him in whom we have our being. Oh that my life would be exactly that!

No, I cannot take things with me when I graduate into His eternal presence, but I can leave marked paths that others might follow to draw near to Him. The Word says,

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you men of double mind.

James 4:8 RSV

It is a promise. You will not be disappointed.

Crimson Hand© Molly Lin Dutina

Across the meadow 
a maple tree reaches out a golden arm
it’s hand is crimson, but not the rest
some branches are bare
that crimson hand beckons me
someone else wrote the question
“When the leaves fall with such abandon, 
do they not know winter soon follows?"

Reading “May I have This Dance?” by Joyce Rupp, I came across this quote.

I remember sitting on an old porch in Edensburg, Pennsylvania. It was the sixth of October and the hills were radiant with color. The golds and reds of the trees swayed in the strong breeze and I sat there hurrahing the dying leaves. The thought surprised and rather appalled me: How could I love the colors of death? How could I be so callous? How could I eagerly cheer for the forest leaves as they sailed to their death when I so strongly wanted to hold onto life? I was astounded at how easily the trees let go of their treasures. I was dismayed by the stark contrast of this acceptance of death and my own tight grip on life.

Joyce Rupp – October

My brain gets a little confused over chlorophyll and leaf colors. I heard one scientist over simplify saying all the colors are there all year ’round. We just see the chlorophyll as most prominent. At that my brain is going if the green of chlorophyll is mixing with the yellow then shouldn’t the leaves look blue? Arghh! Scientists confusing simple ol’ me.


During the growing season, chlorophyll is continually being produced and broken down and leaves appear green. As night length increases in the autumn, chlorophyll production slows down and then stops and eventually all the chlorophyll is destroyed. The carotenoids and anthocyanin that are present in the leaf are then unmasked and show their colors.

A color palette needs pigments, and there are three types that are involved in autumn color:

  • Carotenoids: Produces yellow, orange, and brown colors in such things as corn, carrots, and daffodils, as well as rutabagas, buttercups, and bananas.
  • Anthocyanin: Gives color to such familiar things as cranberries, red apples, concord grapes, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, and plums. They are water soluble and appear in the watery liquid of leaf cells.
  • Chlorophyll: Gives leaves a basic green color. It is necessary for photosynthesis, the chemical reaction that enables plants to use sunlight to manufacture sugars for food.

Certain colors are characteristic of particular species:

  • Oaks: red, brown, or russet
  • Hickories: golden bronze
  • Aspen and yellow-poplar: golden yellow
  • Dogwood: purplish red
  • Beech: light tan
  • Sourwood and black tupelo: crimson
  • The color of maples leaves differ species by species:
  • Red maple: brilliant scarlet
  • Sugar maple: orange-red
  • Black maple: glowing yellow
  • Striped maple: almost colorless

That makes more sense to me, “As chlorophyll production slows down and then stops – the carotenoids and anthocyanin that are present in the leaf are then UNMASKED and show their colors.”

So in my poem I am uncertain if a red maple seen from this distance is holding the ‘hand’ of a sugar maple? Regardless the leaves are not entirely fallen, but most have. I am truly aware of winter when the leaves of the invasive honeysuckle shrubs fall. Then we are in for the worst winter can send our way. The last couple winters have been very mild. Wonder what climate change will send our way this winter?

If the folklore abut the woolly bear caterpillars is to be believed this will be a harsh winter. Time will tell!

The Club©Molly Lin Dutina

I experienced and wrote this in 1994.

If you had walked in, you would have thought I was standing at the kitchen sink, seemingly doing the dishes, but actually I was having a conversation of self-castigation. Crying and praying, internally I was crouched on the floor in the corner where the cabinets met. My tears mixed with the dishwater as I poured out my agenda to the Lord.

Becoming tired and spent I knew the Lord was standing near me and listening. As my sobs turned to sniffling He had only two words for me, “Stand up.” I whimpered another prayer. Patiently waiting for my obedience again He said, “Stand up.” I whined again to the mercy-filled Lamb of God. He refused to dialogue with me until I heeded His first instruction. Again He said, “Stand up.”

I cowered and said, “But, Lord, I am unworthy.”

“Stand up.”

I spoke another prayer, “Lord, I am weak and tired.”

“Stand up.”

I offered excuse after excuse about why I could not obey. Finally I asked, “Why must I stand up when I am so weak and upset?” And then I realized, I could either obey or He would withdraw His presence from my awareness.

Standing there, I was angry and unforgiving of myself.  I had been beating myself over the back with a club that I had designed. It fit perfectly into my hand. It wasn’t an ordinary club like in the comic strip “B.C.” My club had spikes on it, too.

So there I was, praying, crying out to God, and telling Him how sorry I was about the sin I had committed. I prepared to use the club upon myself one more time when He broke into my noisy, tearful, self-punishment saying,



With a long, empty pause He let His truth sink into my being. His words about a past situation, the cause of my turmoil, were radically different than my reaction. As His light dawned upon my dark interpretation of what was needful, He disarmed me with His love and forgiveness. I laid down my club at the foot of His cross. I prayed He would cover it with His blood and enable me to receive and believe His love for me, praying that I might eventually feel His forgiveness.

Moving forward, I learned to accept His forgiveness and learned how to forgive myself. We are flawed. We are all broken in some way. We have all sinned. In order for our intimacy with Him to flourish, we must adopt His attitudes and point of view in each area of our lives. This is not an easy or instantaneous task. Gradually the Lord will lead us in His will and His ways. He is able to complete the good work He has begun in us. We must let Him.

His divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.

2 Peter 1:3

being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 1:6

for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

Philippians 2:13

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:57

Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

2 Corinthians 9:15
  • What self-destructive weapons are you clinging to?
  • What would happen if you laid them down at Jesus’ feet?
  • Could you dare to let Him take over now as King and Judge of your Universe

If God Almighty has forgiven you, who are you not to forgive yourself?

Keep Praying!

Great good news! Infant born recently is now off the ventilator. And the doctors have determined her leg will not need to be amputated. Grandfather is so delighted. Please keep praying for Baby Francesca.

Your prayer for the parents, grandparents and siblings are SO appreciated. I cannot thank you enough!!