Lectio 365

This app really helped me focus on the Lord during my recovery. Bob and I had first been introduced to the practice of Lectio Divina while at the Episcopal church.

The app Lectio 365 is inspired by the “practice of Lectio Divina. Each morning the devotional follows the simple P. R. A. Y. rhythm:

P:ause to be still.
R:ejoice with a Psalm and R:eflect on Scripture.
A:sk for God’s help
Y:ield to His will in your life.

“On Sundays you’ll take a break from the normal routine to pray a different kind of Sabbath prayer. 

“The app celebrates heroes of faith on Feast Days, marks significant moments in the church calendar, and welcomes guest hosts throughout the year.”

They also offer an evening version that differs in text from the morning one. I found myself using that evening version while trying to fall asleep in the recliner. It was quite helpful for turning my eyes to the Lord and finding a place to relax in His arms. It is so easy when in pain to clench against the pain, and finding release from that clenching is such a relief!

Here is one thought I recorded in my very few journaling notes during that time.

The Greek text uses a word which can mean breath, spirit, or wind. So, ‘the wind blows where it wishes’ can also mean, ‘the Spirit breathes where He wishes’. The Spirit, like the wind, is unpredictable. I cannot control Him. Sometimes the Spirit blows like a gentle breeze. Or He may come as a hurricane. I have to accept that I’ll never know what He might do next. Lectio 365

The Spirit breathes where He wishes. Yes, Lord, please breathe on me I pray.

24-1-12 Molly’s Journal

Looking out the window by my prayer chair I was able to watch the toy pinwheels as the Lord of the wind made them dance. He is always with us!

Rest in His love and consider changing up one of your devotional practices for a bit. He is able to meet us wherever we are, but there are times when we fall into a rut spiritually and can use a boost from a change of format. Try some thing new a for the remainder of the Lenten season. You might find new meaning to your relationship with the God of our Fathers.

Recovery Week 3-1/2

January 31 I dictated to Word: Even dictating A blog post has been difficult. After I dictate I must go back to edit and correct. Since I am confined to this sling my right hand is basically useless. Reaching out to the computer mouse is out of the question.

The healing is going well but I forgot how slow it could be.

9 days with no sun says our weather man. However, Buffalo gets less sun than we do!

24-2-6 I am into the fourth week in sling. This is very difficult. When I take the sling off I find myself using my hand in ways that cause pain. Likely I should just keep it in the sling! There is a cacophony of moans and groans that accompany my life right now. I’m only taking Tylenol, no pain prescription, but yes shoulder pain is my companion.

Physical therapist says I am doing really well. I persevere with the prescribed stretches every few hours.

I am finally sleeping in my own bed instead of the recliner. For the first two weeks I used the electric ice machine pretty much continually. Now I only use ice packs as needed when the pain flares.

Me trussed up with sling and ice machine both strapped on!

I am so grateful for good books that hold my attention and keep me in the chair. I suppose I should have kept a list of what I have been reading. Oh well, let’s see, Louise Penney Kingdom of the blind, Joe Pickett I think the author is Box. Then a story about an animal entitled Now and Then. Read Jack Reacher book that was made into a movie. Partway through the book I realized I’d already read it but I continued because I could not remember the details. My neighbor Ginny brought me Crimson Phoenix which is the first in a series of three. I am now on book 2 which I got free from the library on hoopla.

Perhaps the most helpful has been a book by Elizabeth Elliott about suffering. I bought it several years ago but never started reading it. It really hits home right now.

Jigsaw puzzles have also held my attention though placing pieces with left hand is a challenge. As is eating with left hand!

I also began a new medication for the psoriasis. It is a biologic which they say lowers my immune system so whenever Bob takes me out in public I’m trying to wear a mask so I don’t pick up anything else. Physical therapist agrees this is a good idea. Though I was immunized, if I should contract the flu, vomiting would not be good with this shoulder recovering.

The Lord continues to uphold me and I am greatly encouraged every time I go back to Philippians 4 and think on such things that strengthen me. We finally have a return to sunshine and milder temperatures in the low 50s. Daffodil leaves began emerging in January and continue to get taller! Indoors, the amaryllis has been opening flower after flower and that cheers me immensely!

May you be blessed with an increase awareness of His presence within and about you!