Psalm 84

So many things about this Psalm. Before my husband took me to Ireland in 2011 for my 60th birthday I obtained a 3 CD set of Hymns and Songs of the Celtic tradition. The following hymn has blessed me ever since I first heard it.

When we visited Teampall Bhreacain, County Galway, Ireland I had my first encounter with a “thin place.” Not only did the ancient altar mesmerize me, (Photo above by r m dutina) but the bird’s nest high in the wall took my breath away.

photo by r m dutina

“Even the sparrow finds a home where he can settle down, and the swallow,she can build a nest where she may lay her young” say the lyrics!

At the Convent of the Transfiguration in Glendale where I am an Associate they often quote from the Celtic Daily Prayer book organized and printed by the Northumbria Community. After hearing these quotes for several years I recently allowed myself to purchase the book, used. Yes! the first thing I randomly opened to was Page 69, Meditations: Day 28, Psalm 84. Not kidding. The exact lyrics sung by John Begley on the CD. Oh my how blessed I was and am.

While in the Smoky Mountains the song came back. Sitting at my window in morning prayer the song comes back. This is what I mean when I say I am “haunted” by a hymn.

How lovely is Thy dwelling-place
O Lord of hosts, to me.
My soul is longing and fainting
the courts of the Lord to see.
My heart and flesh, they are singing
for joy to the living God.
How lovely is Thy dwelling-place
O Lord of hosts, to me.

Even the sparrow finds a home
where he can settle down,
and the swallow , she can build a nest
where she can lay her young,
within the courts of the Lord of hosts,
my King, my Lord, and my God:
and happy are those who are dwelling where
the song of praise is sung.

And I'd rather be a door-keeper
and only stay a day,
than live the life of a sinner
and have to stay away.
For the Lord is shining as the sun,
and the Lord, He's like a shield;
and no good thing does He withhold
from those who walk His way.

How lovely is Thy dwelling-place
O Lord of hosts, to me.
My soul is longing and fainting
the courts of the Lord to see.
My heart and flesh, they are singing
for joy to the living God.
How lovely is Thy dwelling-place
O Lord of hosts, to me.

I believe the following thoughts are worth considering and using for your spiritual discipline and growth in the thing of God. What draws you to the Presence of the Lord repeatedly? Is there a means the Holy Spirit uses to draw you close? Have you considered using that very thing to calm your soul and center your thoughts upon the Holy One?

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